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I am UmberDove.

And by that, I mean an artist.  One who hears stories in the wind, who paints because it is what her soul tells her to do, who smiths because the muse moves through her fingertips, who loves nothing more than the promise of an unexplored trail, the sound of the ocean in her ears, and scent of a serious cup of coffee.




Wow, one whole post for the month of March! I was rockin' - or maybe just a bit busy what with moving and all (and not having internet, and then our computer crashing, new SEXY black macbook later, lending out the camera cord, etc, here's my whole sob story of excuses!) But enough of passing the blame, I will try to be back in action!!!
So to kick it off, there needs to be a new list (as I am so fond of lists) that will be:
"Things I already love about Seattle"
1) Tulips and Daffodils - They grow every where up here, poping up in little grassy patches along the street, in parks, in parking lots, like happy little suprises.
2) That days go by without ever getting into our car - so much is within walking distance, and that is what people here do, walk!
3) That flippin' fantastic coffee is just a mere 5 blocks away.
4) The pho house up the street - great pho for under $5, AND they give you banx chou (tasty little cream filled puff pastries).
5) That it rains pretty much every day - its beautiful and cleansing
6) However, when its sunny, its like a huge party - every body is out on the street, all the bars and cafes open their windows/walls/doors, people hang out in parks.


Hello, Hello Hello!
Its official, we are now Seattlites! After two weeks without internet (and realizing that both Brad and I have been getting the shakes and cold sweats of withdrawls) and a HUGE number of bizare setbacks and little frustrations, we are back in buisness! The story of the move (and if you know me, then you know it had to be a whole story) is a good one, but is a little longer than this post is going to be. I love that we are here, I love our little apartment - it is really starting to feel like home, and I love that Brad and I have seen each other more in the last two week than in the last two years (and that we have realized we really like seeing each other)!
We now live in a cool 1920's brick, called the Joey Ray (our oakey roots will never fully leave us). More pictures will follow, and more stories, and more living. Hooray!


So this is pretty family specific, but I have a thing for taking photos of people far away, seen through an opening in an object up close. I have tortured my family with these photos, there is one of Dad "inside" a Morris car model, Mom "inside" the jaw of a kangaroo scull (more family specific things - not many have access to a wide variety of skulls), Aubrey "inside" a sea urchin, Laurel "inside" a giant cracker wheel. And now its my turn, inside a huge roll of bubble wrap, just waiting to be rolled around my paintings.


Despite the extreme need to pack I decided to drive into Santa Cruz today, and have what will probably be my last "Personal Day" there. Coffee at Lulu's, a quick trip into Logos, driving up to the cliffs and then walking out along the wharf to get a carmel apple. Its been a good day. Among many, a few of the visual highlights are as follows:
1) Seeing the moon VERY clearly at one o'clock in the afternoon, between puffy white clouds and a bright blue sky.
2) Watching five seals feeding on some fish (I think tossed out by the fresh fish stand). It was a huge game of rip-the-fish-in-half, fight-off-the-others, and bark-at-the-swarms-of-seagulls, and they made me laugh.
3) Observing a pigeon stick its entire head into a small water valve to drink fresh water - it looked like a pigeon body with a huge metal pipe for a head.