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I am UmberDove.

And by that, I mean an artist.  One who hears stories in the wind, who paints because it is what her soul tells her to do, who smiths because the muse moves through her fingertips, who loves nothing more than the promise of an unexplored trail, the sound of the ocean in her ears, and scent of a serious cup of coffee.



Just in case one of you out there in the blogsphere wants to become my secret, wealthy benefactor* these are the boots I'm currently obsessing over (in black, size 10. Hey, I'm tall and I need something to balance on!).

* I have actually met someone who has a "wealthy benefactor," not sure exactly what the situation is (and it sounds so juicy and scandalous) but someone to pay your rent, sport for music lessons and take you out sailing the waters of Canada sounds pretty good (provided the exchange ends there!).*

But until then I'll just have to remain me, sans benefactor, wearing last years (still so fabulous) boots.