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I am UmberDove.

And by that, I mean an artist.  One who hears stories in the wind, who paints because it is what her soul tells her to do, who smiths because the muse moves through her fingertips, who loves nothing more than the promise of an unexplored trail, the sound of the ocean in her ears, and scent of a serious cup of coffee.


The Show


Hi friends. So I'm sure you're wondering about that show that I mentioned last week, that I was all up in tangles about. Well it's finally time for a story.

The opening went wonderfully, my work was transported and displayed without event (yeah!), I had great hair (I sent up a special prayer of thanks, 'cause come on, you know how the cooperativeness of your hair can really make or break a fragile mood) and I fell in love with my amazing friends and my extraordinary husband all over again.

These women, these men I have met and grown to love as my family, the most true church I have ever known, all came out to support me. We drank bubbly (yes, with so much class, standing outside sipping straight from the bottle), we talked about my work, but more than anything, they all reminded me of the worth of my artwork and why I paint. I love you guys and as usual, words fail to express my gratitude and joy.

During the opening I was able to share the stories of my work with friends and strangers, to find common ground and explain some of the lessons I have learned from the trees, from solitude and from my paint. This sharing, this exchange of story and learning, is really the purpose of my work and anytime I know the connection has been made with another human I feel blessed beyond words.

A couple of other opportunities have already risen from the opening on Friday night and I feel so positive about my work and the direction it has been taking. So thank you all, for you well wishes, your prayers and energy, your support and your love. You will never know just how much I appreciate you.